Why CEEAA Accreditation Matters?
Generally speaking, accreditation refers to the specialized accreditation carried out by professional organizations for professional education programs provided by higher education institutions (HEIs). Proceeded by the collaboration of?professional?societies and educators, the accreditation aims to provide quality assurance for the preparatory education of relevant talents entering technical professions. Engineering education accreditation is an internationally accepted quality assurance system for engineering education, and it is also an important foundation for international mutual recognition of engineering education and international recognition of?engineer qualifications. Started in 2006, the engineering education accreditation in China is now the fundamentals and key components of the national engineer system reform. In June 2016, China became?the full member of Washington Accord.
The essence of engineering education accreditation is a kind of qualification assessment. The accreditation emphasizes the basic quality requirements of engineering education to ensure and continuously improve the quality of professional education. Generally, the accreditation decision is qualified or unqualified. The accreditation emphasizes basic requirements rather than program evaluation or ranking, and encourages HEIs to develop diversity based on satisfied basic requirements.
The objectives of engineering education accreditation?in China?are?as followed:
1.Forming a quality assurance system for engineering education;
2.Establishing an engineering education accreditation system linking up with professional engineer system;
3.Promoting the cooperation between engineering education and industry;
4.Promoting the international mutual recognition of Chinese engineering education and enhancing communications with international counterparts.